"Mmmf whmmmf? Whmmf dm mmmf mo omemn U mdon?"
(translation: "Well, why? Why do they have one and I don't.")
My first thought was that they all had been taken over by sadistic aliens who compelled them to punch keys for hours at a time and this was another sick way for the bug worms to get off.
Yes, I've learned to ignore my first thought.
What I realized after disregarding the inane was that writers write. I know, it's a cliche, but it's a good cliche. It's good because it really is that simple. Writers have blogs because writing is what they do. They have blogs because blogs are another avenue to facilitate the process of putting words to paper. And yes, I know, everyone has a blog. I think my dog Winston has a blog:
(Winston Churchill, blogging about his favorite stick)
But that doesn't seem to deter anyone I know from using their blogs to express their ideas, their wants, and their dreams. Why should it stop me? (Other than most of my ideas, wants, and dreams can land me in prison or the French Foreign Legion. Legio Patria Nostra!!!).
There is the added benefit that blogs are instantly available to the world. Granted, for me, the "world" currently consists of no one, but that will change. At least...I hope it will change. Even if I only gain one follower, it is one more person who is reading what I write. Even if that follower is only my mother, it will bring us closer. Okay, it would bring us closer if my mother knew how to read.
I should probably say what I intend to use this blog for. My intent is to share some of my work in a serial fashion. These will be stories that don't have a home and probably never will as they don't fit into the usual genres most publishers are looking for. I'm in an interesting position. I'm not tied to any one genre of writing and so I have the opportunity to write what I please. If I like it, I write it. This means that some of what I write may never be published traditionally. Also, some of what I write, I don't want published traditionally. These are stories that I don't feel should be exploited for financial gain because the subject matter should be available to everyone who wants to read it. And finally, from time to time I will be posting original artwork, photos, and assorted goodies.
That's it for now, the bug worm is sleepy.
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